The Vesper Martini

I had been to the Duke’s Bar in London back in 2018 and had promptly fallen in love with the place. The décor made me feel as if James Bond would walk through the door at any moment and order a martini, shaken, not stirred. And the barmen had an elaborate way to serve a drink which included bringing the bar cart to the sitting area of your choosing to explain what went in the drink and how to make it.

I knew I would be back.

The Vesper was created for James Bond by Ian Fleming. “The Vesper…because once you’ve tasted it, you won’t drink anything else.”

I enjoyed my stay at the Duke’s Bar so much and wanted nothing more than to interview their famous barman for The Pemberley Magazine. I wasn’t able to obtain the recipe or an interview. Until a few weeks later I did a hotel review for the Duke’s Dubai. I held an interview and photoshoot there and had taken a picture of one of the new barmen and told him we’d send him the edited photo. He was happy to oblige and just before I left I asked him casually for the recipe for the Vesper Martini. He gave it to me on the spot.

Once the illustrious Barman in London found out I had the recipe and was printing it in my digital magazine I was barred from working with him. But at least I have the recipe.

(Just Kidding.)


60 ml Gin

30 ml vodka

20 ml white vermouth

2 dashes of Angostura Bitter

Remember the frozen glass and the orange peel to finish it off.


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